Mystery as two students who vanished together found dead weeks apart as boyfriend’s body pulled from Lake Michigan

Mystery as two students who vanished together found dead weeks apart as boyfriend’s body pulled from Lake Michigan

Yesterday the Cook County medical examiner confirmed that it was Daniel's remains which were pulled out of Lake Michigan near Wilmette on May 22. Natally's body had already been found at Bryn Mawr and Lake Michigan just weeks before on May 2.The couple both vanished at the end of last month - Natally was last seen leaving work at Friedman Place, while Daniel was at the Roosevelt Red Line stop near Roosevelt Road and State Street.He had only told his roomate, who dropped him off there, that he was heading up north.

Worried friends and family alerted the authorities to the pair's unknown whereabouts, after noticing they couldn't get in contact.Daniel never showed up to his graduation ceremony, which his sister Jennifer said was completely out of character.The 26-year-old had been just days away from graduating with a master's degree in Organic Chemistry at UIC.And Jennifer said he'd been planning his future of continuing to work at an organic farm in Naperville.

THE MYSTERY of two missing students has come to a tragic end - as another body found in Lake Michigan has been identified

After Daniel's body was discovered, his bereaved sister took to Facebook to share a statement from his family.She put it in writing: "To inform you that Daniel has been located and is no longer with us, we must do so with heavy hearts."The time we had with Danny was a blessing to my family and I. We were all enlightened by his presence.

"As he cared for others, he showed his kindness and generosity through his eyes."Anyone who came across his smile was instantly warmed to the core. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to see it so many times."

She went on to say: "In the absence of him, we feel as if we've lost colour from our world. The light he provided for the past 26 years has left us brokenhearted, but we are grateful nonetheless.Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones at this difficult time.

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